Tokyo Branch
Tokyo Home Page > Service Fee List

Personal Banking Service Fee List

Remittance Charge

Domestic transfer in Yen

-For amount no more than 30,000 yen

JPY440 / transfer

-For amount more than 30,000 yen

JPY660 / transfer

Transfer Cancellation/Amendment

JPY660 / transfer

Cross border fund transfer

Cross border Yen transfer or in the same currency denomination

-Cross border fund transfer charge

JPY4, 500 / transfer

- Lifting charge

0.05% of the remittance amount(min. JPY1,500)

Transfer in foreign currencies bought from the Bank

JPY4, 500 / transfer

Transfer Cancellation/Amendment

JPY3, 500 / transfer

Student preferential transfer ( amount limited to no more than 1 million yen)

Cross border YEN transfer or in the same currency denomination

-Cross border remittance charge

JPY2, 500 / transfer

- Lifting charge

JPY  500 / transfer

Transfer in foreign currencies bought from the Bank

JPY2, 500 / transfer

Transfer Cancellation/Amendment

JPY3, 500 / transfer

Inward remittance

Deposit into account of Yen or of the same currency denomination

- Inward remittance fee

JPY1, 500 / transfer

-lifting charge

0.05% of the remittance amount(min.JPY1,500)

Deposit into account after foreign exchange conversion at our branch

JPY1, 500 / transfer


Same as cross-border transfer.

Inquiry charge

Inquiry charge for remittance

 JPY1,500 / inquiry


Debit Card Charge

Annual fee*

JPY1, 000

Cash withdrawal service charge(ATM)

JPY220+ ATM Surcharges

Inquiry charge for Debit Card(ATM)


Reissuance of Debit Card

JPY1, 000

Debit Card renewal fee


 *The annual debit card fee will be waived during the promotion period


Issuance of account balance certificate

JPY660 / certificate

Reissuance of bank statement

JPY660 /statement

Reissuance of Remittance receipt

JPY660 /card
